Goal writing doesn't have to be so hard!

I get it, writing measurable goals can be time consuming, if you don't have a system! After more than 12 years of writing goals, I have it down to a system, which I would love to share with you! Save yourself some time so that you can get back to doing what you do best....TEACHING!!!!

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    Jessica Curtis

    Teaching Struggling Learners

    Who am I?

    I'm a wife, boy mom, dog mom, entrepreneur....oh AND an educator with 12 years of experience (and counting). My family keeps me busy, as does being a business owner....so finding ways to make the educator side of my brain less stressed is a HUGE win for me! I love sharing those wins with other educators....because goodness knows....we have ENOUGH to do already!

    What will you learn?

    This freebie is all about writing goals...I've broken it down to easy, manageable steps, and provided a template to have you creating measurable goals in no time!